The tenth PSB meeting of the CreaSTEAM project was held on October 3, 2022.
The tenth PSB follow up online meeting of the CreaSTEAM project, chaired by David Fonseca and accompanied by Daniel Amo and Mónica Vanesa Sánchez from GRETEL, took place on October 3rd. In addition, partners from the consortium such as Federazione Istituti Di attività Educative [FIDAE], Clemens-Brentano-Europaschule [CBES], Sadettin Türkün Ortaokulu and Bursa MEM also participated in the meeting.
In this meeting, the importance of the progress in the implementation of STEAM-Labs in the schools (both partners and associates) of the project. The next steps to maximize the dissemination of the project with very relevant actions in the network of FIDAE schools in Italy and ARLEP in Spain were recalled.