GRETEL Research Group of La Salle, Ramon Llull University

Universitat Ramon Llull (URL) is a non-profit making federated private entity constituted by the Law 12/1991 of the Government of Catalonia. One of the main characteristics of URL is that it is structured under a federative agreement between the university, formal holder and responsible of the centers that form it, and the different entities that assume the management of each center with their own human and technological resources (

More specifically, the project will be performed by the center of La Salle Campus Barcelona (La Salle-URL), managed by the legal entity Fundació Privada Universitat i Tecnologia (FUNITEC). The mission of La Salle-URL is to offer a high-quality education, training professionals with a high ethical commitment and the necessary values to be innovators, to know how to adapt to changes and to lead the transformations of a society in continue progress ( La Salle-URL currently has more than 4.000 students, working within the quality standards defined in Europe, Spain and Catalonia, being one of the institutions accredited by the AQU (Agency of University’s Quality). The center is made up of three schools: La Salle Digital Engineering School,

La Salle International School of Commerce & Digital Economy, and La Salle School of Architecture. It holds 6 recognized research groups, and this project will be developed by the Group of REsearch on Technology Enhanced Learning (GRETEL), officially recognized research group (2017-934-GRPC) by the Agency for Management of University and Research Groups (AGAUR), the public funding body within the Secretariat of Universities and Research, Ministry of Enterprise and Knowledge of the Government of Catalonia (


David Fonseca Escudero (Coordinator)
Mónica Sánchez
Elena Jurado
Daniel Amo
Roger Olivella

Contact person information

  • David Fonseca
  • La Salle, Ramon Llull University
  • C/ Sant Joan de la Salle 42, 08022 Barcelona, Spain
  • Phone: (+34)932902400 – (+34)932902409

Social networks of the Institution

@uramonllull @LaSalleBCN @la_salle