We are a comprehensive school that hosts students from Year 5 up to Year 13. Some students finish after Year 13 achieving their A levels (German Abitur), others finish after Year 9/10 graduating with their GCSE examinations (German Mittlere Reife). Our school is very diverse as we teach a range of students from around 50 different countries. Lots of them are children of the third generation of immigrants from Turkey and Italy, but there are also refugees and European immigrants. That´s why we think that our school is perfect for the project, as the diversity gap is a constant topic in our daily work – different nationalities, different social classes, different levels of knowledge of the German language.
Marion Findling (finances) marion.findling@cbes-lollar.de
Head of the school
Andrej Keller andrej.keller@cbes-lollar.eu
Ostendstraße 2
35457 Lollar
Phone: 0049 6406 2056 (secretary)
School website: www.cbes-lollar.de
Contact person
Kirsten Quass, Kirsten.quass@cbes-lollar.eu, phone: 0049 1753 755799