Presentation the CreaSTEAM project to Italian teachers in Barcelona

This week has started the 1st Training of the group GRETEL – STEAM Line to teachers from Italian schools of the group FIDAE – Maria Ausiliatrice. In this training, the CreaSTEAM project was presented to all the participants.

The European Training Project in Social STEAM and Educational Robotics for teachers is co-funded by the European Union, under the umbrella of Erasmus+ Mobility, and promotes the exchange between countries to increase the quality of education.

It will focus on training Italian teachers in key robotics tools, at the request of the teachers themselves, on an exchange of experiences with teachers from schools in Barcelona and observation and visit to one (or more) of La Salle’s reference schools in Maker-FabLab spaces.

The proposed actions share a vision of robotics as a tool both to promote computational thinking and engineering assembly, as well as to promote interdisciplinary learning of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics (STEAM), and the development of skills in creativity, collaboration, communication and resilience in the face of error. It also incorporates a vision of inclusion and attention to diversity so that innovation leaves no one behind.