On 15th March 2023, the fourth and last multiplier event of the CreaSTEAM project was held in the city of Rome in Italy. The event was held at the Nuova Aula dei Gruppi parlamentari, and was attended by more than 60 different stakeholders, and educational entities from Italy and and other […]
On 1 March 2023, the second multiplier event of the CreaSTEAM project was held in the city of Bursa in Turkey. The event was held at the Innovation Center of Bursa and was attended by more than 30 people from different educational bodies and institutions. The presentation was led by […]
On 1 March 2023, the third multiplier event of the CreaSTEAM project was held in the city of Salamanca in Spain. The event was held at the Research Institute for Educational Sciences of the University of Salamanca and was attended by more than 20 different stakeholders from Europe and Spain. […]
On 13 January 2023, the first multiplier event of the CreaSTEAM project took place in the city of Giessen in Germany. The event was held at the Giessen MakerSpace MAGIE and was attended by more than 20 people from different educational bodies and institutions. The event was led by one […]
In the framework of the 10th edition of TEEM22 (Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality, 19-22 October, Salamanca, https://2022.teemconference.eu/ ): Two communications related to the CreaSTEAM project (https://creasteam.eu/) have been presented in track 5 – Bridging the diversity gap in STEM. The first one entitled “Design of didactic units focused on improving diversity […]
During the week of October 17, La Salle Campus Barcelona, URL, hosted the 6th group of Italian Erasmus + teachers. From Monday 17 to Friday 21 October, the 6th group of Italian teachers participated in an Erasmus + project in Mobility and Teacher Training, led by FIDAE, was in La […]
On August 31 and September 1, took place the training for elementary and high school teachers of La Salle Valladolid. The CreaSTEAM project, among others, was addressed and disseminated. The teachers of the ARLEP network of La Salle Valladolid received information about the Erasmus+ Project: CreaSTEAM- Co-thinking and Creation for […]
On September 26th and 27th took place the training for teachers of kindergarten and primary of Salle Madrid. The CreaSTEAM project, among others, was addressed and disseminated. The teaching staff of the network ARLEP of La Salle Madrid received information about the Erasmus+ Project: CreaSTEAM – Co-thinking and Creation for […]
This week has started the 1st Training of the group GRETEL – STEAM Line to teachers from Italian schools of the group FIDAE – Maria Ausiliatrice. In this training, the CreaSTEAM project was presented to all the participants. The European Training Project in Social STEAM and Educational Robotics for teachers […]
On November 18 and 19, members from the CreaSTEAM project presented the project and its objectives to teachers from La Salle schools in the Valencian Community (most of them from La Salle Llíria and others from La Salle Terol).