In the framework of the 10th edition of TEEM22 (Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality, 19-22 October, Salamanca, ): Two communications related to the CreaSTEAM project ( have been presented in track 5 – Bridging the diversity gap in STEM. The first one entitled “Design of didactic units focused on improving diversity […]
Yearly archives: 2022
During the week of October 17, La Salle Campus Barcelona, URL, hosted the 6th group of Italian Erasmus + teachers. From Monday 17 to Friday 21 October, the 6th group of Italian teachers participated in an Erasmus + project in Mobility and Teacher Training, led by FIDAE, was in La […]
The tenth PSB meeting of the CreaSTEAM project was held on October 3, 2022. The tenth PSB follow up online meeting of the CreaSTEAM project, chaired by David Fonseca and accompanied by Daniel Amo and Mónica Vanesa Sánchez from GRETEL, took place on October 3rd. In addition, partners from the consortium […]
On August 31 and September 1, took place the training for elementary and high school teachers of La Salle Valladolid. The CreaSTEAM project, among others, was addressed and disseminated. The teachers of the ARLEP network of La Salle Valladolid received information about the Erasmus+ Project: CreaSTEAM- Co-thinking and Creation for […]
On September 26th and 27th took place the training for teachers of kindergarten and primary of Salle Madrid. The CreaSTEAM project, among others, was addressed and disseminated. The teaching staff of the network ARLEP of La Salle Madrid received information about the Erasmus+ Project: CreaSTEAM – Co-thinking and Creation for […]
The CreaSTEAM partners have participated in the face-to-face meeting in Rome (Italy) on February 24 and 25, 2022, organized by our partner Federazione Istituti Di Attività Educative (Italy) The first year has focused on defining the concept of STEAM-Lab and how to implement it in education centers. The STEAM-Labs propose […]
This week has started the 1st Training of the group GRETEL – STEAM Line to teachers from Italian schools of the group FIDAE – Maria Ausiliatrice. In this training, the CreaSTEAM project was presented to all the participants. The European Training Project in Social STEAM and Educational Robotics for teachers […]
This last week an extension of 6 months for the CreaSTEAM project has been approved. The new date for the closure and completion of the project is 31/3/2023. This already accepted request for a change of date was made in order to collect more and better evidence on the creation […]
The first online meeting of the 2022 year, was held on the 13th of January, an online meeting took place to start this year with new proposals to face the CreaSTEAM project. This meeting was attended by people from different European countries working on the CreaSTEAM project. The meeting aimed […]